Welcome to the Catholic Life part of our website.

Catholic Life is all about the things that make our school so special. This section will show you how our pupils live out the Gospel message of spreading ‘Good News’. It will demonstrate how we live out God’s teachings in our school through our collective worship, charitable works and working with our parish and local community.

The Come and See newsletters are available here so that you can see and share what our children will be covering during each term.

Parents Letter Advent Term 2023

A very important part of the Catholic Life of the school is our chaplaincy team. They plan and lead collective worship in all of our classes.  They encourage children to ‘Go Forth’ and live out the Gospel.

We are fortunate to have Church on our door step where we celebrate mass with the parish at special times during the year.  Classes take it in turns to lead mass during the year.

Year 6 have been finding out about Carlo Acutis. We are thinking about our gifts and how we can use them for the good of others. As year 6s, we are very good at using our talents to help the younger children in our school.

Our children delivered food to Holy Cross Church for their food bank collection. This was collected in school as part of our Advent preparation.






Our House Captains took toys to Whitwick’s Co-op store for their Christmas toy appeal. A big thank you to our families who continue to support us in our charitable works

Worship through song

We enjoy singing as part of our worship. Our favourites are ones with actions!

Holy Cross - A place of pilgrimage!

Year 6 planned pilgrimages for our younger pupils. They led them in peaceful reflection around our school grounds.

We are proud to be able to continue to fly our green Eco flag. In our second year, we were awarded a merit for our hard work in being stewards of God’s earth. We take this call from Pope Francis seriously.

Our Eco Club continue to look after God’s world. Starting with our school grounds.


EYFS and Key Stage 1 led us in our Harvest Festival Collective Worship. Our harvest offerings were for a local Coalville food bank.

Friends of Holy Cross organised bulb planting around church and school grounds. This was a lovely time for grandparents to come to school and plant spring bulbs.

We have again supported our local CO-OP with their Christmas Toy appeal. A good start to our Advent preparations.

Year 3 led us in a beautiful crib assembly. Here our school crib was put together and we gave out our travelling cribs which will rest at every home in school during Advent.

Members of our Eco team, went to the local leisure centre to help plant trees.


Alex, our Chaplain, started off Advent retreats with nursery class. They each made Christingles.