At Holy Cross, we believe that providing children with a range of activities beyond the school day is important as it helps to develop individual personalities, is a chance to unwind and gives an opportunity for children to socialise with pupils from other year groups. With this in mind, we run a range of activities throughout the school year which are free of charge.

Our clubs are run by teaching staff and for some clubs, the are provided by an outside company ( these are paid for).

We are proud of the fact that all staff value the benefits that after-school activities bring to our children so that we can continue to provide them free of charge where possible.

Here is the range of clubs on offer this year:

  • Hockey (Year 5 and 6)
  • Football
  • Summer Sports – Cricket, tennis, rounders and athletics
  • Eco club
  • Cooking

Advent 1 the school is running:

Monday –Football – Years 1-6

Tuesday –  Eco Club – Years 1-6

Cooking – Years 5 and 6

Friday – Hockey – Years 5 and 6