At Holy Cross we recognise that a high quality of education in English will enable pupils to write and speak fluently so that they can communicate their ideas, thoughts and feelings to others. Through reading, pupils have a chance to develop not just academically but culturally, emotionally, socially and spiritually. It is the key to accessing a world of knowledge that will enable them to function as a member of society.

We use the Teach Through A Text Approach to deliver all English lessons from Year 2 to Year 6. The planning sequences come from The Literary Curriculum From The Literacy Tree. All classes are exposed to high quality texts. This approach enables spelling and grammar to be taught within the context of the text being read.

Below is the link to see the texts children will read and the writing they will do from that text.

Holy Cross Writing Roots Overview 2024 2025(opens in new tab)

The key, underlining concepts being taught in English can be accessed below, all substantive knowledge is based on these.

English Key Concepts(opens in new tab)

We also encourage to read as much as possible whilst ensuring that they are reading texts which are neither too easy nor too hard for them. We use the “Accelerated Reader,” programme for this. Children are tested regularly to assess their reading level, then they are allocated a reading range from which they can choose their book. Once each book is read the children independently carry out a quiz based on the content of the book and they are awarded points towards their reading target.

To access the quizzing website click here